The Image API (IMGAPI) is the SmartDataCenter (SDC) service that manages virtual machine images. Along with the SmartOS imgadm tool, various instances of the IMGAPI manage images in the SDC and SmartOS ecosystem.


An "image" is virtual machine image content (e.g. a zfs dataset for a SmartOS zone or a KVM machine image) plus the metadata for the image (called the "manifest"). The following API instances and tools are relevant for managing images in and for SmartOS and SDC.

The SmartOS IMGAPI ( is the central repository of vetted base images for usage in SmartOS. (Images from software vendors may exist here, but are still vetted.) All images here are public -- no read auth, no private images. SmartOS' imgadm version 2 is configured to use this image repository by default. SDC's operator portal (a.k.a. adminui) is configured by default to use this repository from which to import images.

Administration of is via the images-imgadm tool (currently available in

There is an IMGAPI in each SDC datacenter that manages images available in that datacenter. "IMGAPI" without scoping typically refers to this IMGAPI in a given datacenter. This is the authority for which images are available for provisioning in that DC. The provisioning process will lazily zfs receive images on CNs as necessary -- streaming from the IMGAPI (imgadm on that machine handles that). IMGAPI supports private images, customer-owned images, etc. Cloud API speaks to IMGAPI for its '/images' and legacy '/datasets' endpoints.

Image manifests

An image manifest is all the data about an image except the image file itself. Generally this is represented as a JSON object. For example:

  "uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",
  "owner": "352971aa-31ba-496c-9ade-a379feaecd52",
  "name": "smartos",
  "version": "1.6.3",
  "state": "active",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": true,
  "published_at": "2012-05-02T15:14:45.805Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "97f20b32c2016782257176fb58a35e5044f05840",
      "size": 46271847,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "description": "Base template to build other templates on",
  "requirements": {
    "networks": [
        "name": "net0",
        "description": "public"

A summary of fields (details are provided below):

Field Type Always Present? Mutable? Notes
v Integer Yes No Version of the manifest format/spec. The current value is 2.
uuid UUID Yes No The unique identifier for a UUID. This is set by the IMGAPI server. See details below.
owner UUID Yes Yes The UUID of the owner of this image (the account that created it).
name String Yes No A short name for this image. Max 512 characters (though practical usage should be much shorter). No uniqueness guarantee.
version String Yes No A version string for this image. Max 128 characters. No uniqueness guarantee.
description String No Yes A short description of the image.
homepage URL No Yes Homepage URL where users can find more information about the image.
eula URL No Yes URL of the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the image.
icon Boolean No Yes (*) Indicates if the image has an icon file. If not present, then no icon is present.
state String Yes No The current state of the image. One of 'active', 'unactivated', 'disabled', 'creating', 'failed'.
error Object No No An object with details on image creation failure. It only exists when state=='failed'.
disabled Boolean Yes No (*) Indicates if this image is available for provisioning.
public Boolean Yes Yes (*) Indicates if this image is publicly available.
published_at Date Yes (if activated) No The date at which the image is activated. Set by the IMGAPI server.
type String Yes Yes The image type. One of "zone-dataset" for a ZFS dataset used to create a new SmartOS zone, "lx-dataset" for a Lx-brand image, "lxd" for a LXD image, "zvol" for a virtual machine image or "other" for image types that serve any other specific purpose.
os String Yes Yes The OS family this image provides. One of "smartos", "windows", "linux", "bsd", "illumos" or "other".
origin UUID No No The origin image UUID if this is an incremental image.
files Array Yes (if activated) No An array of objects describing the image files.
acl Array No Yes Access Control List. An array of account UUIDs given access to a private image. The field is only relevant to private images.
requirements Object No Yes A set of named requirements for provisioning a VM with this image
requirements.networks Array No Yes Defines the minimum number of network interfaces required by this image.
requirements.brand String No Yes Defines the brand that is required to provision with this image.
requirements.ssh_key Boolean No Yes Indicates that provisioning with this image requires that an SSH public key be provided.
requirements.min_ram Integer No Yes Minimum RAM (in MiB) required to provision this image.
requirements.max_ram Integer No Yes Maximum RAM (in MiB) this image may be provisioned with.
requirements.min_platform Object No Yes Minimum platform requirement for provisioning with this image.
requirements.max_platform Object No Yes Maximum platform requirement for provisioning with this image.
requirements.bootrom String No Yes Bootrom image to use with this image.
users Array No Yes A list of users for which passwords should be generated for provisioning. This may only make sense for some images. Example: [{"name": "root"}, {"name": "admin"}]
billing_tags Array No Yes A list of tags that can be used by operators for additional billing processing.
traits Object No Yes An object that defines a collection of properties that is used by other APIs to evaluate where should customer VMs be placed.
tags Object No Yes An object of key/value pairs that allows clients to categorize images by any given criteria.
generate_passwords Boolean No Yes A boolean indicating whether to generate passwords for the users in the "users" field. If not present, the default value is true.
inherited_directories Array No Yes A list of inherited directories (other than the defaults for the brand).
nic_driver String Yes (if type==="zvol") Yes NIC driver used by this VM image.
disk_driver String Yes (if type==="zvol") Yes Disk driver used by this VM image.
cpu_type String Yes (if type==="zvol") Yes The QEMU CPU model to use for this VM image.
image_size Number Yes (if type==="zvol") Yes The size (in MiB) of this VM image's disk.
channels Array Yes (if server uses channels) Yes Array of channel names to which this image belongs.

"Mutable?" refers to whether this field can be edited via UpdateImage. The icon boolean is effectively changed by the AddImageIcon and DeleteImageIcon endpoints. disabled can be modified via the DisableImage and EnableImage endpoints. public cannot be set false for an image on the "public mode" IMGAPI, e.g.

Manifest: v

A single positive integer indicating the spec version of the image manifest. The current version is 2. Version history:

v Date Notes
undefined - All dataset manifests (commonly ".dsmanifest" files) before SDC 7 do not have a "v" field. Versioning of the manifest via v was added in SDC 7. This is commonly referred to as version "1".
2 2013-Jan-31 Adds many fields. Deprecates urn. Removes already deprecated fields (e.g. platform_type). See the "imgmanifest" library for full details.

Manifest: uuid

An image uuid is the unique identifier for this UUID. This is what you use to provision a VM. (For backwards compatibility unique identification via a urn field is supported for legacy images. See the urn section below.)

An image UUID is created by the server on the CreateImage. There are two exceptions: (1) The MigrateImage endpoint will copy an image between two datacenters in the same cloud and persist the UUID. (2) SDC operators can use the AdminImportImage to add an image with a specified UUID. In the latter case it is the responsibility of the operator to ensure a given UUID is not duplicated, or refers to different image data between separate clouds. A common case for the latter is importing "core" images from

Manifest: urn

Deprecated. In SDC versions before SDC 7, an image (then called a "dataset") could be uniquely identified by its uuid and by its urn. While this is still true (images with a URN imported into IMGAPI retain their URN), new images do not get a URN. The assumptions for the components of URN (<cloud_name>:<creator_name>:<name>:<version>) are not maintainable in global ecosystem of SmartOS images. Therefore the URN has been dropped as a supported mechanism of uniquely identifying images. Use the uuid field.

Manifest: owner

The account UUID of the owner/creator of this image. In non-"dc" mode IMGAPI repositories (where there is no user database) this value has no meaning.

Manifest: name

A name for this image. Maximum 512 characters. However, typical names should be much shorter, e.g. 5-20 characters.

Note that image name and version do not make a unique identifier for an image. Separate users (and even the same user) can create images with the same name and version. The image uuid is the only unique identifier for an image.

Manifest: version

A version string for this image. Maximum 128 characters. This is an opaque string, i.e. no particular format or structure is enforced and no ordering with other versions is implied. However, it is strongly suggested that the semver versioning scheme be followed.

Note that image name and version do not make a unique identifier for an image. Separate users (and even the same user) can create images with the same name and version. The image uuid is the only unique identifier for an image.

Starting in IMGAPI v3.2.0, support was added to allow '+' in the "version" field, because this is one of the characters allowed by semver. However, it wasn't until OS-5798 that imgadm (v3.7.0) in the platform was update to allow '+' in a version. Therefore a warning: do not use '+' in an image version until you know that the minimum platform version for any server in your target DC(s) is greater than or equal to 20161118T231131Z (when OS-5798 was integrated).

Manifest: description

A short prose description of this image. Maximum 512 characters.

Manifest: homepage

Homepage URL where users can find more information about the image. Maximum 128 characters.

Manifest: eula

URL of the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the image. Maximum 128 characters.

Manifest: icon

A boolean indicates if the image has an icon file. If this field is not present then the image does not have an icon. The actual icon file content is available via the GetImageIcon endpoint.

Manifest: state

The current state of the image. One of the following values:

State Description
active The image is ready for use, i.e. VMs can be provisioned using this image.
unactivated The image has not yet been activated. See ActivateImage.
disabled The image is disabled. This will be the state if the image is activated, but also disabled == true. See EnableImage and DisableImage.
creating A state for a placeholder image while an image is being asynchronously created. This is used during CreateImageFromVm.
failed A state for a placeholder image indicating that asynchronous image creation failed. See the error field for details.

Note that disabled and state can seem like duplicate information. However state is a computed value from disabled and whether an image has yet been activated.

Images with state creating or failed are called "placeholder images" -- there is no actual image. Placeholder images are reaped after one week to prevent very old failures swamping data.

Manifest: error

An object providing details on failure of some asynchronous image action. Currently this is used during CreateImageFromVm. It is only present with state == 'failed'. Error fields are as follows:

Field Always Present? Details
message Yes String description of the error.
code No A "CamelCase" string error code.
stack No A stack trace giving context for the error. This is generally considered internal implementation detail, only there to assist with debugging and error classification.

Possible error.code values from current SmartDataCenter and SmartOS:

error.code Details
PrepareImageDidNotRun This typically means that the target KVM VM (e.g. Linux) has old guest tools that pre-date the image creation feature. Guest tools can be upgraded with installers at Other possibilities are: a boot time greater than the 5 minute timeout or a bug or crash in the image preparation script.
VmHasNoOrigin Origin image data could not be found for the VM. Either the link to the image from which the VM was created has been broken (e.g. via 'zfs promote' or migration, see SYSOPS-6491) or there is some problem in either the 'image_uuid' value from vmadm get or in imgadm's DB of manifest info for that image.
NotSupported Indicates an error due to functionality that isn't currently supported. One example is that custom image creation of a VM based on a custom image isn't currently supported.

Manifest: disabled

A boolean indicating if this image is disabled. A disabled image cannot be used for provisioning. Disabling an image will remove it from the default list of images returned by ListImages. However, a user can still list it via with the state=all parameter.

The DisableImage and EnableImage api endpoints can be used to update the disabled state of an image.

Note that disabled and state can seem like duplicate information. However state is a computed value from disabled and whether an image has yet been activated.

Manifest: public

A boolean indicating if this image is publicly available. Public images are visible (and usable for provisioning) to anyone in cloudapi. Private images (public === false) are only visible to the image owner and accounts listed in acl.

Manifest: published_at

The date (in ISO-8601 format, e.g. "2012-05-02T15:14:45.805Z") at which this image was published (i.e. activated via ActivateImage).

An image UUID is create by the server on the ActivateImage. There are two exceptions: (1) The MigrateImage endpoint will copy an image between two datacenters in the same cloud and persist the published_at. (2) SDC operators can use the AdminImportImage to add an image with a specified uuid and published_at. A common case for the latter is importing "core" images from

Manifest: type

The type of the image file. Must be one of:

zone-dataset a ZFS dataset used to create a new SmartOS zone
lx-dataset a dataset used to create a Lx-brand zone
zvol a KVM virtual machine image
docker a Docker image
lxd a LXD image
other an image that serves any other specific purpose

Manifest: os

The operating system of the image file. Must be one of:

smartos SmartOS
linux Linux, e.g. CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.
windows A Microsoft Windows OS image
bsd FreeBSD/netBSD
illumos Illumos
other A catch-all for other operating systems.

Manifest: origin

If an image has an origin, then it is an incremental image. The origin is the UUID of the origin image. Currenly only a single level of parentage is allowed. I.e. an origin image cannot itself be incremental.

Manifest: files

The array of image files that make up this image. Currently only a single file is supported. An image cannot be activated until it has one file uploaded. A "file" entry has the following fields:

sha1 SHA-1 hex digest of the file content. Used for upload/download corruption checking.
size Number of bytes. Maximum 20GiB. This maximum is meant to be a "you'll never hit it" cap, the purpose is to inform cache handling in IMGAPI servers.
compression The type of file compression used by the file. One of 'bzip2', 'gzip', 'none'.
dataset_guid Optional. The ZFS internal unique identifier for this dataset's snapshot (available via zfs get guid SNAPSHOT, e.g. zfs get guid zones/f669428c-a939-11e2-a485-b790efc0f0c1@final). If available, this is used to ensure a common base snapshot for incremental images (via imgadm create -i) and VM migrations (via vmadm send/receive).
stor Only included if ?inclAdminFields=true is passed to GetImage/ListImages. The IMGAPI storage type used to store this file.
digest Optional. Docker digest of the file contents. Only used when manifest.type is 'docker'. This field gets set automatically by the AdminImportDockerImage call.
uncompressedDigest Optional. Docker digest of the uncompressed file contents. Only used when manifest.type is 'docker'. This field gets set automatically by the AdminImportDockerImage call. Note that this field will be removed in a future version of IMGAPI.


    "files": [{
        "sha1": "97f20b32c2016782257176fb58a35e5044f05840",
        "size": 46271847,
        "compression": "bzip2"

Backward compatibility notes: In the DSAPI (Dataset API) from SDC 6.5 that preceded this there were two more fields:

Manifest: acl

An array of user/account UUIDs to which to give read access to a private image. I.e. this is only relevant for images with public === false.

Manifest: requirements

A grouping of various requirements for provisioning a VM with this image.

Manifest: requirements.networks

Optional. An array describing the minimum number of network interfaces. This example shows an image that requires one VNIC:

    "requirements": {
        "networks": [{"name": "net0", "description": "public"}]

Manifest: requirements.brand

Optional. Defines the SmartOS "brand" that is required to provision with this image. Brands are related to the type of virtualization used among other factors. Common brands are: 'joyent', 'joyent-minimal', 'lx', 'kvm'.

Manifest: requirements.ssh_key

Optional. A boolean indicating that provisioning with this image requires that an SSH public key be provided. For example, provisioning a Linux VM requires an SSH key for initial SSH access. If not defined, it is presumed to be false.

Manifest: requirements.min_ram

Optional. min_ram is an integer number of MiB specifying the minimum RAM required to provision this image. If max_ram is also specified, then min_ram <= max_ram must be true.

Manifest: requirements.max_ram

Optional. max_ram is an integer number of MiB specifying the maximum RAM this image may provisioned with. If min_ram is also specified, then min_ram <= max_ram must be true.

Manifest: requirements.min_platform

Optional. min_platform defines the minimum required SmartOS platform on which this image can be used (and hence in SDC on which it will be provisioned). It is a mapping of major "SDC Version" to the SmartOS platform timestamp. E.g.:

"min_platform": {"6.5": "20120901T113025Z", "7.1": "20130308T102805Z"}

This says that the image can only be used on SDC 6.5 platforms later than or equal to "20120901T113025Z" or SDC 7.1 platforms later than or equal to "20130308T102805Z".

The SDC version and platform timestamp values correspond to the sysinfo "SDC Version" and "Live Image" keys respectively, e.g.:

sysinfo | json "SDC Version"
$ sysinfo | json "Live Image"

Note that SDC versions before 7.0 did not have a "SDC Version" key in sysinfo. If necessary the following may be used to get the appropriate value:

test -z "$(sysinfo | json "SDC Version")" \
    && echo "6.5" \
    || echo $(sysinfo | json "SDC Version")

If min_platform is set but does not contain a key for your SDC version, then:

  1. if SDC version is less than the lowest key, e.g. if "6.4" for the example above, then this image may not be used on this platform
  2. if SDC version is greater than the lowest key, e.g. if "7.0" for the example above, then this image may be used on this platform. This rule could have gone either way, depending on circumstances, hence the decision to allow in the face of ambiguity.

Manifest: requirements.max_platform

Optional. max_platform defines the maximum allowed SmartOS platform on which this image can be used (and hence in SDC on which it will be provisioned). It is a mapping of major "SDC Version" to the SmartOS platform timestamp. E.g.:

"max_platform": {"6.5": "20120901T113025Z", "7.1": "20130308T102805Z"}

This says that the image can only be used on SDC 6.5 platforms less than or equal to "20120901T113025Z" or SDC 7.1 platforms less than or equal to "20130308T102805Z".

The SDC version and platform timestamp values correspond to the sysinfo "SDC Version" and "Live Image" keys respectively, e.g.:

sysinfo | json "SDC Version"
$ sysinfo | json "Live Image"

Note that SDC versions before 7.0 did not have a "SDC Version" key in sysinfo. If necessary the following may be used to get the appropriate value:

test -z "$(sysinfo | json "SDC Version")" \
    && echo "6.5" \
    || echo $(sysinfo | json "SDC Version")

If max_platform is set but does not contain a key for your SDC version, then:

  1. if SDC version is greater than the highest key, e.g. if "7.2" for the example above, then this image may not be used on this platform
  2. if SDC version is greater than the lowest key, e.g. if "7.0" for the example above, then this image may be used on this platform. This rule could have gone either way, depending on circumstances, hence the decision to allow in the face of ambiguity.

Manifest: requirements.bootrom

Optional. bootrom defines the boot ROM image to use. May take values "bios" or "uefi". Only valid when brand is bhyve.

Manifest: users

Optional. users is a list of users for which passwords should be generated for provisioning. This may only make sense for some datasets. Example:

"users": [{"name": "root"}, {"name": "admin"}]

Manifest: billing_tags

Optional. A list of tags that can be used by operators for additional billing processing. This attribute can be useful for derivative images when the child image object needs to be related to the parent image for billing or licensing purposes. Example:

"billing_tags": ["oracle", "rhel"]

Manifest: traits

Optional. An object that defines a collection of properties that is used by other APIs to evaluate where should customer VMs be placed. The keys allowed in this object are application specific, but only strings, booleans or arrays of strings are allowed for their values. Example:

"traits": {
    "users": ["ef5d70c0-5281-154a-9f05-fad0ff43181e],
    "hw": ["richmond-a"],
    "over-provision-ram": "2.5"

Manifest: tags

Optional. An object of key/value pairs that allows clients to categorize images by any given criteria. The keys allowed in this object are application specific, but only strings, numbers or booleans are allowed for their values. Example:

"tags": {
  "role": "db",
  "license": "gpl"

Manifest: generate_passwords

Optional. generate_passwords is a boolean indicating whether to generate passwords for the users in the "users" field. If not present, the default value is true.

Manifest: inherited_directories

Optional. inherited_directories is a list of inherited directories (other than the defaults for the brand). This can be left out or the empty list if the dataset need not inherit directories. This field only makes sense for datasets of type "zone-dataset". Example:

    "inherited_directories": ["/opt/support"],

Manifest: nic_driver

The NIC driver used by this VM image. Examples are 'virtio' and 'e1000'. This is a required field for type === "zvol" images.

Manifest: disk_driver

The disk driver used by this VM image. Examples are 'virtio', 'ide', 'scsi'. This is a required field for type === "zvol" images.

Manifest: cpu_type

The QEMU CPU model to use for this VM. Examples are: "qemu64", "host". This is a required field for type === "zvol" images.

Manifest: image_size

The size (in MiB) of the VM's disk, and hence the required size of allocated disk for provisioning. This is a required field for type === "zvol" images.

Manifest: channels

Array of channel names to which this image belongs. This is only present and relevant for images in an IMGAPI server that uses channels.

API Summary

Name Endpoint Notes
ListImages GET /images List available images.
GetImage GET /images/:uuid Get a particular image manifest.
GetImageFile GET /images/:uuid/file Get the file for this image.
DeleteImage DELETE /images/:uuid Delete an image (and its file).
CreateImage POST /images Create a new (unactivated) image from a manifest.
AddImageFile PUT /images/:uuid/file Upload the image file.
AddImageFileFromUrl POST /images/:uuid/file/from-url Upload the image file using a URL source.
ActivateImage POST /images/:uuid?action=activate Activate the image.
UpdateImage POST /images/:uuid?action=update Update image manifest fields. This is limited. Some fields are immutable.
DisableImage POST /images/:uuid?action=disable Disable the image.
EnableImage POST /images/:uuid?action=enable Enable the image.
AddImageAcl POST /images/:uuid/acl?action=add Add account UUIDs to the image ACL.
RemoveImageAcl POST /images/:uuid/acl?action=remove Remove account UUIDs from the image ACL.
CloneImage POST /images/:uuid/clone Clone this image.
AddImageIcon POST /images/:uuid/icon Add the image icon.
GetImageIcon GET /images/:uuid/icon Get the image icon file.
DeleteImageIcon DELETE /images/:uuid/icon Remove the image icon.
CreateImageFromVm POST /images?action=create-from-vm Create a new (activated) image from an existing VM.
ExportImage POST /images/:uuid?action=export Exports an image to the specified Manta path.
ImportFromDatacenter POST /images/$uuid?action=import-from-datacenter&datacenter=us-west-1 Copy one's own image from another datacenter in the same cloud.
AdminImportRemoteImage POST /images/$uuid?action=import-remote&source=$imgapi-url Import an image from another IMGAPI
AdminImportImage POST /images/$uuid?action=import Only for operators to import an image and maintain uuid and published_at.
AdminGetState GET /state Dump internal server state (for dev/debugging)
ListChannels GET /channels List image channels (if the server uses channels).
ChannelAddImage POST /images/:uuid?action=channel-all Add an existing image to another channel.
Ping GET /ping Ping if the server is up.
AdminReloadAuthKeys POST /authkeys/reload (Added in v2.3.0.) Tell server to reload its auth keys. This is only relevant for servers using HTTP Signature auth.


Error codes that can be returned from IMGAPI endpoints.

Code HTTP status code Description
ValidationFailed 422 Validation of parameters failed.
InvalidParameter 422 Given parameter was invalid.
ImageFilesImmutable 422 Cannot modify files on an activated image.
ImageAlreadyActivated 422 Image is already activated.
NoActivationNoFile 422 Image must have a file to be activated.
OperatorOnly 403 Operator-only endpoint called by a non-operator.
ImageUuidAlreadyExists 409 Attempt to import an image with a conflicting UUID
Upload 400 There was a problem with the upload.
Download 400 There was a problem with the download.
StorageIsDown 503 Storage system is down.
StorageUnsupported 503 The storage type for the image file is unsupported.
RemoteSourceError 503 Error contacting the remote source.
OwnerDoesNotExist 422 No user exists with the UUID given in the "owner" field for image creation or import.
AccountDoesNotExist 422 No account exists with the UUID/login given.
NotImageOwner 422 The caller is not the owner of this image.
NotMantaPathOwner 422 The caller is not the owner of this Manta path.
OriginDoesNotExist 422 No image exists with the UUID given in the "origin" field for image creation or import.
OriginIsNotActive 422 An origin image of the given image exists, but is not active.
InsufficientServerVersion 422 Image creation is not supported for this VM because the host server version is not of a recent enough version.
ImageHasDependentImages 422 An error raised when attempting to delete an image which has dependent incremental images (images whose "origin" is this image).
NotAvailable 501 Functionality is not available.
NotImplemented 400 Attempt to use a feature that is not yet implemented
InternalError 500 Internal Server Error
ResourceNotFound 404 Not Found
InvalidHeader 400 An invalid header was given in the request.
ServiceUnavailableError 503 Service Unavailable
UnauthorizedError 401 Unauthorized
BadRequestError 400 Bad Request


An "image" object is the metadata for an image file, also called the manifest. See Image manifest data above for a summary of all fields.

ListImages (GET /images)

List images. Without query params this returns all active (state === "active") images.

There are two typical calling styles to this endpoint: with 'account=$UUID' and without. The former is what cloudapi uses to ask on behalf of a particular authenticated account. The latter is for operator-only querying.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to images visible to this account. A user can see: (a) their own images, (b) activated public images, and (c) activated private images for which they are on the ACL. Note that "activated" is different than "active" (see state). This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. If not provided the server-side default channel is used. Use '*' to list in all channels. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
inclAdminFields (query param) Bool No Pass true to include administrative fields (e.g. files.*.stor) in the returned image objects. For IMGAPI servers using 'mode' other than dc, auth is required to use admin=true. Otherwise, UnauthorizedError is returned.
owner UUID No Only list images owned by this account.
state String No List images with the given state. Can be one of 'active' (the default), 'disabled', 'unactivated' or 'all'. Note that for standalone IMGAPI instances, unauthenticated requests are limited to 'active' images.
name String No List images with the given name. Prefix with ~ to do a substring match (case-sensitive). E.g., ~foo.
version String No List images with the given version. Prefix with ~ to do a substring match (case-sensitive). E.g., ~foo.
public Boolean No List just public or just private images.
os String No List images with the given os.
type String No List images of the given type. The value can be prefixed with ! to exclude that type.
tag.{key} String No List images by tags. See below
billing_tag String No List images by billing tags. See below
limit Number No Maximum number of images to return. Images are sorted by creation date (ASC) by default. The default (and maximum) limit value is 1000
marker UUID, Date No Only return images with a published_at >= that of the given image (if a UUID is given) or >= the given date (if a date string is given).

Filtering Images

Resuls from ListImages can be paginated by using the limit and marker query parameters. Both can be used together or separately. Here are a couple of examples that demostrate their usage:

Get only 10 images
  GET /images?limit=10

Get images created after image d0f6f1a8-aef5-11e3-8002-28cfe91a33c9
  GET /images?marker=d0f6f1a8-aef5-11e3-8002-28cfe91a33c9

Get the next 2 images after image d0f6f1a8-aef5-11e3-8002-28cfe91a33c9
  GET /images?limit=3&marker=d0f6f1a8-aef5-11e3-8002-28cfe91a33c9

ListImages allows sorting the resulting collection by their published_at date. The sort direction can be 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending), and it is 'asc' by default. It means that the default behavior in ListImages is to return older images first. At the moment published_at is the only supported sortable attribute for images. The following are some examples of valid values for the sort query parameter:

sort=published_at (results in 'published_at ASC', default behavior)
sort=published_at.desc (results in 'published_at DESC')
sort=published_at.asc (results in 'published_at ASC')

Get all images ordered by newest images first
  GET /images?sort=published_at.desc

Searching Images by Tags or Billing Tags

Images can be searched by tags. If an Image is tagged as 'cloud=private', then the filter to be added to the request params should be '' and the full path for the query would look like "/images?". More than one tag can be specified for the same search. Multiple tags are interpreted as a logical AND, meaning that each of the Images returned is tagged with each of the values provided.

In contrast, billing tags are not key/value objects but a single array of values. This means that a query filter for billing_tags is constructed in a conventional way. As an example, the following queries show the usage of tags and billing_tags when filtering images.

One matching tag
  GET /images?

Multiple matching tags
  GET /images?

One matching billing tag
  GET /images?billing_tag=promo

Multiple matching billing tags
  GET /images?biling_tag=promo&billing_tag=smallinstance


An array of image objects.


See Errors section above.


Raw curl (from

curl -kisS | json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 01:07:25 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 60203
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: c3993970-592f-11e2-8ef6-f7e53a279942
x-response-time: 44
x-server-name: b908c5b2-ccd9-4f43-b5ff-2997eb6bd682.local

    "uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",
    "owner": "352971aa-31ba-496c-9ade-a379feaecd52",
    "name": "smartos",
    "version": "1.6.3",
    "state": "active",
    "disabled": false,
    "public": true,
    "published_at": "2012-05-02T15:14:45.805Z",
    "type": "zone-dataset",
    "os": "smartos",
    "files": [
        "sha1": "97f20b32c2016782257176fb58a35e5044f05840",
        "size": 46271847,
        "compression": "bzip2"
    "description": "Base template to build other templates on",

CLI tool (from

images-imgadm list
UUID                                  NAME           VERSION  OS       STATE   PUBLISHED
febaa412-6417-11e0-bc56-535d219f2590  smartos        1.3.12   smartos  active  2011-04-11
7456f2b0-67ac-11e0-b5ec-832e6cf079d5  nodejs         1.1.3    smartos  active  2011-04-15

$ images-imgadm list name=~base   # filter on substring in name
UUID                                  NAME    VERSION  OS       STATE   PUBLISHED
8418dccc-c9c6-11e1-91f4-5fb387d839c5  base    1.7.0    smartos  active  2012-07-09
d0eebb8e-c9cb-11e1-8762-2f01c4acd80d  base64  1.7.0    smartos  active  2012-07-10

In an SDC headnode GZ to talk to that data center's IMGAPI:

sdc-imgapi /images
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 515
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 01:08:19 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: e3b681e0-592f-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 1
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

    "uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",
    "owner": "352971aa-31ba-496c-9ade-a379feaecd52",
    "name": "smartos",
    "version": "1.6.3",

CLI tool (from an SDC's IMGAPI):

sdc-imgadm list state=all
UUID                                  NAME     VERSION  OS       STATE        PUBLISHED
e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf  foo      1.0.0    smartos  unactivated  -
01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822  smartos  1.6.3    smartos  active       2012-05-02

GetImage (GET /images/:uuid)

Get a image by uuid.

There are two typical calling styles to this endpoint: with 'account=$UUID' and without. The former is what cloudapi uses to ask on behalf of a particular authenticated account. The latter is for operator-only querying.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to images visible to this account. A user can see: (a) their own images, (b) activated public images, and (c) activated private images for which they are on the ACL. Note that "activated" is different than "active" (see state). This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
inclAdminFields (query param) Bool No Pass true to include administrative fields (e.g. files.*.stor) in the returned image objects. For IMGAPI servers using 'mode' other than dc, auth is required to use admin=true. Otherwise, UnauthorizedError is returned.


An image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw curl (from

curl -sS
  "uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",

CLI tool (from

images-imgadm get 01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822
  "uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",

Raw API tool (from an SDC's IMGAPI):

sdc-imgapi /images/01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 513
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 01:10:06 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: 2383aaf0-5930-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 71
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",
  "owner": "352971aa-31ba-496c-9ade-a379feaecd52",
  "name": "smartos",
  "version": "1.6.3",
  "state": "active",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": true,
  "published_at": "2012-05-02T15:14:45.805Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "97f20b32c2016782257176fb58a35e5044f05840",
      "size": 46271847,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "description": "Base template to build other templates on",
  "urn": "sdc:sdc:smartos:1.6.3",
  "requirements": {
    "networks": [
        "name": "net0",
        "description": "public"

CLI tool (from an SDC's IMGAPI):

sdc-imgadm get 01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822
  "uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",

GetImageFile (GET /images/:uuid/file)

Get the image file.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to an image visible to this account. A user can only see: (a) active public images, (b) active private images for which they are on the ACL, and (c) their own images. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
index (query param) Integer No The files array index to use. Defaults to index 0.


The (typically large) image file content.


Any errors produced while transferring the image data will result in the connection being closed. Clients should compare the returned data's SHA-1 against the value found in the manifest files object in order to check if the received file is corrupt.

For request validation errors, see Errors section above.


Raw curl (from

curl -kfsS -o file.bz2

CLI tool (from

images-imgadm get-file 01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822 -O
100% [=============================]  time 43.4s  eta 0.0s
Saved "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822.bz2".

Raw API tool (from an SDC's IMGAPI):

sdc-imgapi /images/01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822/file -o file.bz2

CLI tool (from an SDC's IMGAPI):

sdc-imgadm get-file 01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822 -O
100% [=============================]  time 43.4s  eta 0.0s
Saved "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822.bz2".

GetImageIcon (GET /images/:uuid/icon)

Get the image icon file.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to an image visible to this account. A user can only see: (a) active public images, (b) active private images for which they are on the ACL, and (c) their own images. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)


The image icon file content.


Any errors produced while transferring the image icon will result in the connection being closed. Clients should compare the returned data's SHA-1 against the value found in the manifest files object in order to check if the received icon file is corrupt.

For request validation errors, see Errors section above.


Raw curl:

curl -kfsS https://localhost/images/01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822/icon -o icon.png

CLI tool:

images-imgadm get-icon 01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822 -O
100% [=============================]  time 0.4s  eta 0.0s
Saved "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822.png".

Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822/icon -o icon.png

DeleteImageIcon (DELETE /images/:uuid/icon)

Delete the image icon file.

There are two typical calling styles to this endpoint: with 'account=$UUID' and without. The former is what cloudapi uses to ask on behalf of a particular authenticated account. The latter is for operator-only querying.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow deletion for images owned by this account. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)


The image object with the 'icon' field now false.


See Errors section above.


CLI tool:

images-imgadm delete-icon 01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822
Deleted icon from image 01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822

Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822/icon -X DELETE

DeleteImage (DELETE /images/:uuid)

Delete this image (and its file and icon, if any).

There are two typical calling styles to this endpoint on DC mode IMGAPI servers: with 'account=$UUID' and without. The former is what cloudapi uses to ask on behalf of a particular authenticated account. The latter is for operator-only querying.

For IMGAPI servers that support image channels (e.g.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow deletion for images owned by this account. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
force_all_channels (query_param) Boolean No Set this true to force deletion even if the image exists in multiple channels. Only relevant for IMGAPI servers using channels.


Responds with HTTP 204 (No Content).


See Errors section above.


CLI tool (from

images-imgadm delete 69d8bd69-db68-a54c-bec5-8c934822cfa9
Deleted image 69d8bd69-db68-a54c-bec5-8c934822cfa9

Raw API tool (from an SDC's IMGAPI):

sdc-imgapi /images/f9bbbc9f-d281-be42-9651-72c6be875874 -X DELETE

CLI tool (from an SDC's IMGAPI):

sdc-imgadm delete 7a1b1967-6ecf-1e4c-8f09-f49094cc36ad
Deleted image 7a1b1967-6ecf-1e4c-8f09-f49094cc36ad

Cloud API:

sdc-cloudapi /my/images/7a1b1967-6ecf-1e4c-8f09-f49094cc36ad -X DELETE

CreateImage (POST /images)

Create a new (unactivated) image from a manifest. The typical process is to subsequently call AddImageFile and then ActivateImage to finish with an image available for provisioning.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID Yes* The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. At least one of account or owner is required. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
owner UUID Yes* The UUID of the owner of this image (the account that created it). If not given, the given account is used. At least one of account or owner is required.
name String Yes A short name (and optionally version) for this image. Max 512 characters. No uniqueness guantee.
version String Yes A version string for this image. Max 128 characters. No uniqueness guarantee.
description String No A short description of the image.
homepage URL No Homepage URL where users can find more information about the image.
eula URL No URL of the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the image.
disabled Boolean No Indicates if this image should be available for provisioning. Default is false.
public Boolean No Indicates if this image is publicly available. Default is false.
type String Yes The image type. One of "zone-dataset" for a ZFS dataset used to create a new SmartOS zone, "lx-dataset" for a Lx-brand image, "zvol" for a virtual machine image or "other" for image types that serve any other specific purpose.
os String Yes The OS family this image provides. One of "smartos", "windows", and "linux".
origin UUID No The origin image UUID if this is an incremental image.
acl Array No Access Control List. An array of account UUIDs given access to a private image. The field is only relevant to private images.
requirements Object No A set of named requirements for provisioning a VM with this image. See the requirements docs above for supported fields.
users Array No A list of users for which passwords should be generated for provisioning. This may only make sense for some images. Example: [{"name": "root"}, {"name": "admin"}]
billing_tags Array No A list of tags that can be used by operators for additional billing processing.
traits Object No An object that defines a collection of properties that is used by other APIs to evaluate where should customer VMs be placed.
tags Object No An object of key/value pairs that allows clients to categorize images by any given criteria.
generate_passwords Boolean No A boolean indicating whether to generate passwords for the users in the "users" field. If not present, the default value is true.
inherited_directories Array No A list of inherited directories (other than the defaults for the brand).
nic_driver String Yes (if type==="zvol") NIC driver used by this VM image.
disk_driver String Yes (if type==="zvol") Disk driver used by this VM image.
cpu_type String Yes (if type==="zvol") The QEMU CPU model to use for this VM image.
image_size Number Yes (if type==="zvol") The size (in MiB) of this VM image's disk.


The (unactivated) image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool (against an SDC's IMGAPI). This creates a new unactivated image:

sdc-imgapi /images -X POST \
    --data-binary '{
        "name": "foo",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "type": "zone-dataset",
        "os": "smartos",
        "owner": "b5c5c13d-ccc0-5a43-9a46-245ff960cd81"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 236
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:04:01 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: 8b547800-59ce-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 52
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "b5c5c13d-ccc0-5a43-9a46-245ff960cd81",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "unactivated",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [],
  "acl": []

CLI tool (against an SDC's IMGAPI):

echo '{
    "name": "foo",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "type": "zone-dataset",
    "os": "smartos",
    "owner": "b5c5c13d-ccc0-5a43-9a46-245ff960cd81"
}' | sdc-imgadm create
Imported image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810 (foo, 1.0.0, state=unactivated)

CreateImageFromVm (POST /images?action=create-from-vm)

Create a new (activated) image from an existing VM. The VM from which the Image will be created must be stopped. This endpoint has a subset of allowed inputs compared to CreateVm, as many of the Image manifest fields are going to be directly computed from the source VM.

Query String Inputs

Field Type Required? Default Notes
account UUID Yes The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. At least one of account or owner is required. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter.
channel String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
vm_uuid UUID Yes The UUID of the source VM.
incremental Boolean No Whether to create an incremental image. Default is false.
max_origin_depth Number No If the image is incremental, this number allows setting a limit in the number of child incremental images. E.g. a value of 3 means that the image will only be created if there are no more than 3 parent images in the origin chain.

Manifest Inputs

The following is the list of inputs that can be specified for a new Image created from an existing VM:

Field Type Required? Default Notes
uuid UUID No - UUID of the new Image. A new one will be generated if not specified
owner UUID Yes* - The UUID of the owner of this image (the account that created it). If not given, the given account is used. At least one of account or owner is required.
name String Yes - A short name (and optionally version) for this image. Max 512 characters. No uniqueness guantee.
version String Yes - A version string for this image. Max 128 characters. No uniqueness guarantee.
description String No - A short description of the image.
homepage URL No - Homepage URL where users can find more information about the image.
disabled Boolean No false Indicates if this image should be available for provisioning.
public Boolean No false Indicates if this image is publicly available.
acl Array No - Access Control List. An array of account UUIDs given access to a private image. The field is only relevant to private images.
tags Object No - An object of key/value pairs that allows clients to categorize images by any given criteria.

Inherited Fields

The following is the list of fields that the new image will inherit either (a) from the origin image (i.e. the image used to create this VM), or (b) from properites of the VM itself.

Field Type Notes
type String The image type. One of "zone-dataset" for a ZFS dataset used to create a new SmartOS zone, "lx-dataset" for a Lx-brand image, "lxd" for LXD image, "zvol" for a virtual machine image or "other" for image types that serve any other specific purpose.
os String The OS family this image provides. One of "smartos", "windows", and "linux".
requirements Object A set of named requirements for provisioning a VM with this image. requirements.min_platform is set to the VM server's platform version for SmartOS VMs (where vm.brand is either "joyent" or "joyent-minimal"). requirements.brand is set to the VM's brand value for "lx", "kvm", and "bhyve" VMs. See the requirements section above for details.
users Array A list of users for which passwords should be generated for provisioning. This may only make sense for some images. Example: [{"name": "root"}, {"name": "admin"}]
billing_tags Array A list of tags that can be used by operators for additional billing processing.
traits Object An object that defines a collection of properties that is used by other APIs to evaluate where should customer VMs be placed.
generate_passwords Boolean A boolean indicating whether to generate passwords for the users in the "users" field. If not present, the default value is true.
inherited_directories Array A list of inherited directories (other than the defaults for the brand).
nic_driver String NIC driver used by this VM image.
disk_driver String Disk driver used by this VM image.
cpu_type String The QEMU CPU model to use for this VM image.
image_size Number The size (in MiB) of this VM image's disk.


A Job object. The location of the workflow API where the status of the job can be polled is available in the workflow-api header of the response.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool (against an SDC's IMGAPI). This queues the creation of a new Image from an existing VM:

sdc-imgapi '/images?action=create-from-vm&vm_uuid=56b107b9-9277-4a6a-bcd3-17c497041bee' \
    -X POST \
    --data-binary '{
        "name": "foo",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "uuid": "4e88c673-f3ab-4a55-9f5d-b54379cf2d8a",
        "owner": "b5c5c13d-ccc0-5a43-9a46-245ff960cd81"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 236
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:04:01 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: 8b547800-59ce-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 52
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "image_uuid": "4e88c673-f3ab-4a55-9f5d-b54379cf2d8a",
  "job_uuid": "4c831bba-68ed-4fe8-a54b-a5b5acefd7ac"

ExportImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=export)

Exports an image to the specified Manta path. Only images that already live in Manta can be exported, locally stored images are not supported.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No* The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given then the manta_path prefix must resolve to a location that is owned by the account.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
manta_path String Yes* Manta path prefix where the image file and manifest should be exported to. If "manta_path" is a dir, then the files are saved to it. If the basename of "PATH" is not a dir, then "PATH.imgmanifest" and "PATH.zfs[.EXT]" are created.


A Manta location response object. It provides the properties that allow the IMGAPI user to retrieve the image file and manifest from Manta: manta_url, image_path, manifest_path.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/a93fda38-80aa-11e1-b8c1-8b1f33cd9007?action=export&manta_path=/user/stor/imgapi -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 200
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:19:11 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.1.1
x-request-id: cac4f490-1109-11e3-a1a5-012c46265014
x-response-time: 1225
x-server-name: 9243385e-9975-4a74-a68e-ce601af89e76
Connection: keep-alive

  "manta_url": "",
  "image_path": "/user/stor/imgapi/smartos-1.6.2.zfs.bz2",
  "manifest_path": "/user/stor/imgapi/smartos-1.6.2.imgmanifest"

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm export a93fda38-80aa-11e1-b8c1-8b1f33cd9007
Image a93fda38-80aa-11e1-b8c1-8b1f33cd9007 exported to Manta path /user/stor/imgapi

AddImageFile (PUT /images/:uuid/file)

Add the image file. If the image already has a file, it will be overwritten. A file can only be added to an image that has not yet been activated. The typical process is to call this after CreateImage, and then subsequently call ActivateImage to make the image available for provisioning, state == "active".


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
storage String No The type of storage preferred for this image file. Storage can only be specified if the request is being made by an operator. The only two possible values for storage are local and manta. When the request is made on behalf of a customer then IMGAPI will try to use manta as the storage backend, otherwise default to local storage.
compression UUID Yes The type of compression used for the file content. One of 'none', 'gzip' or 'bzip2'.
sha1 SHA-1 Hash No SHA-1 of the uploaded file to allow the server to check for data corruption.
dataset_guid GUID No The ZFS internal unique identifier for this dataset's snapshot (available via zfs get guid SNAPSHOT, e.g. zfs get guid zones/f669428c-a939-11e2-a485-b790efc0f0c1@final). If available, this is used to ensure a common base snapshot for incremental images (via imgadm create -i) and VM migrations (via vmadm send/receive).
(file content in the body) binary Yes The image file content.


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool (against an SDC's IMGAPI). This example is using curl's -T/--upload-file <file> option, which results in a PUT.

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf/file?compression=bzip2 \
    -T image.bz2
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 319
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:17:46 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: 773c5b10-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 106
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "b5c5c13d-ccc0-5a43-9a46-245ff960cd81",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "unactivated",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 46271847,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": []

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm add-file 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810 -f file.bz2
100% [=============================]  time 5.6s  eta 0.0s
Added file "file.bz2" to image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810

AddImageFileFromUrl (POST /images/:uuid/file/from-url)

Almost identical to the AddImageFile PUT method, this POST method allows users to specify a URL from which the imgapi instance should retrieve the image file.

HTTPS is the only scheme supported by this method. Note that as URLs are typically quite long, the URL is passed in the body of the POST.

If the image already has a file, it will be overwritten. A file can only be added to an image that has not yet been activated. The typical process is to call this after CreateImage, and then subsequently call ActivateImage to make the image available for provisioning, state == "active".


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
storage String No The type of storage preferred for this image file. Storage can only be specified if the request is being made by an operator. The only two possible values for storage are local and manta. When the request is made on behalf of a customer then IMGAPI will try to use manta as the storage backend, otherwise default to local storage.
compression UUID Yes The type of compression used for the file content. One of 'none', 'gzip' or 'bzip2'.
sha1 SHA-1 Hash No SHA-1 of the uploaded file to allow the server to check for data corruption.
dataset_guid GUID No The ZFS internal unique identifier for this dataset's snapshot (available via zfs get guid SNAPSHOT, e.g. zfs get guid zones/f669428c-a939-11e2-a485-b790efc0f0c1@final). If available, this is used to ensure a common base snapshot for incremental images (via imgadm create -i) and VM migrations (via vmadm send/receive).
file_url (body) String Yes A URL to the image file. HTTPS is the only supported URL scheme, and the HTTPS server must not use self-signed certificates.


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool (against an SDC's IMGAPI).

sdc-imgapi '/images/2d74d0fb-8402-4e10-a145-86864b14bca7/file/from-url?compression=gzip&sha1=e6a828afa242ecad289f3114e6e2856ef2404a48' -X POST \
-d '{"file_url": ""}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Etag: 824d644a739bb659b86c24316864d7f56438d696
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 646
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 11:09:47 GMT
Server: imgapi/4.6.0
x-request-id: 4fc4c29f-b568-408e-8019-54f0393b9025
x-response-time: 162167
x-server-name: 9b76732a-a75b-4ca5-b1a5-732974733639
Connection: keep-alive

  "v": 2,
  "uuid": "2d74d0fb-8402-4e10-a145-86864b14bca7",
  "owner": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "name": "assets",
  "version": "master-20180925T100358Z-g3f3d1b8",
  "state": "unactivated",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "e6a828afa242ecad289f3114e6e2856ef2404a48",
      "size": 69223039,
      "compression": "gzip"
  "description": "SDC Assets",
  "requirements": {
    "min_platform": {
      "7.0": "20180830T001556Z"
  "origin": "04a48d7d-6bb5-4e83-8c3b-e60a99e0f48f",
  "tags": {
    "smartdc_service": true

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm add-file -s e6a828afa242ecad289f3114e6e2856ef2404a48 \
    -f \
Added file from url "" (compression "auto detected") to image 2d74d0fb-8402-4e10-a145-86864b14bca7

AddImageIcon (PUT /images/:uuid/icon)

Add the image icon. If the image already has an icon file, it will be overwritten. Icons must have a maximum file size of 128Kb pixels and be in one of the following formats: PNG, GIF or JPG.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
sha1 SHA-1 Hash No SHA-1 of the uploaded icon file to allow the server to check for data corruption.
storage String No The type of storage preferred for the image icon. Storage can only be specified if the request is being made by an operator. The only two possible values for storage are local and manta. When the request is made on behalf of a customer then IMGAPI will try to use manta as the storage backend, otherwise default to local storage.
(file content in the body) binary Yes The icon file content.

HTTP Request Headers

Header Name Required? Notes
Content-Type Yes Content type of the icon file. One of 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' or 'image/gif'.


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool (against an SDC's IMGAPI). This example is using curl's -T/--upload-file <file> option, which results in a PUT.

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf/icon \
    -H 'content-type: image/png'
    -T icon.png
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 319
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:17:46 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: 773c5b10-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 106
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "b5c5c13d-ccc0-5a43-9a46-245ff960cd81",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "unactivated",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "icon": true,
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 46271847,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": []

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm add-icon 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810 -f icon.png
100% [=============================]  time 0.4s  eta 0.0s
Added file "icon.png" to image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810

ActivateImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=activate)

Activate the image. This makes the image available for provisioning -- the state field will be "active". The image must already have had a file uploaded via AddImageFile. Once activated, an image cannot be "deactivated". However it can be disabled temporarily or deleted permanently.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to an image visible to this account. A user can only see: (a) active public images, (b) active private images for which they are on the ACL, and (c) their own images. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf?action=activate -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 356
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:21:17 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: f5645880-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 110
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "active",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "published_at": "2013-01-08T20:21:17.932Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 42,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": []

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm activate 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810
Activated image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810

DisableImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=disable)

Disables the image. This makes the image unavailable for provisioning -- the state field will be "disabled".


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to an image visible to this account. A user can only see: (a) active public images, (b) active private images for which they are on the ACL, and (c) their own images. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf?action=disable -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 356
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:21:17 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: f5645880-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 110
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "disabled",
  "disabled": true,
  "public": false,
  "published_at": "2013-01-08T20:21:17.932Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 42,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": []

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm disable 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810
Disabled image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810

EnableImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=enable)

Enables the image. This makes the image available for provisioning once again -- the state field will be "active".


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to an image visible to this account. A user can only see: (a) active public images, (b) active private images for which they are on the ACL, and (c) their own images. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf?action=enable -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 356
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:21:17 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: f5645880-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 110
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "active",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "published_at": "2013-01-08T20:21:17.932Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 42,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": []

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm enable 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810
Enabled image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810

AddImageAcl (POST /images/:uuid/acl?action=add)

Adds more UUIDs to the Image ACL (access control list). If any of the account UUIDs is already in the image ACL it gets ignored. For convenience, when the action parameter is not present it will default to action=add. This means that the AddImageAcl action is valid in either of the two following forms:

POST /images/:uuid/acl
POST /images/:uuid/acl?action=add


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. At least one of account or owner is required. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
acl Array Yes Access Control List. An array of account UUIDs to give access to a private image. The field is only relevant to private images.


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf/acl -X POST
    -d '[ "669a0e24-5e8a-11e2-8c11-7c6d6290281a" ]'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 356
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:21:17 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: f5645880-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 110
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "active",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "published_at": "2013-01-08T20:21:17.932Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 42,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": [

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm add-acl 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810 669a0e24-5e8a-11e2-8c11-7c6d6290281a
Updated ACL for image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810

RemoveImageAcl (POST /images/:uuid/acl?action=remove)

Removes UUIDs from the Image ACL. Any of the account UUIDs that is not in the image ACL gets ignored. In contrast to AddImageAcl, RemoveImageAcl requires the action parameter to be present and to be equal to 'remove'.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. At least one of account or owner is required. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
acl Array Yes Access Control List. An array of account UUIDs to remove access to a private image. The field is only relevant to private images.


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf/acl?action=remove -X POST
    -d '[ "669a0e24-5e8a-11e2-8c11-7c6d6290281a" ]'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 356
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:21:17 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: f5645880-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 110
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "active",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "published_at": "2013-01-08T20:21:17.932Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 42,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": [

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm remove-acl 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810 669a0e24-5e8a-11e2-8c11-7c6d6290281a
Updated ACL for image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810

UpdateImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=update)

Update some fields in the image manifest. Not all fields can be updated. The inputs section lists every image attribute that can be modified. Any input is optional but at least one attribute must be updated.

NOTE Public images residing on a public mode server cannot be made private.


Field Type Required? Notes
account (query param) UUID No Only allow access to an image visible to this account. A user can only see: (a) active public images, (b) active private images for which they are on the ACL, and (c) their own images. This field is only relevant for 'mode=dc' IMGAPI servers.
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
description String No A short description of the image.
homepage URL No Homepage URL where users can find more information about the image.
eula URL No URL of the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the image.
public Boolean false Indicates if this image is publicly available.
type String No The image type. One of "zone-dataset" for a ZFS dataset used to create a new SmartOS zone, "lx-dataset" for a Lx-brand image, "lxd" for LXD image, "zvol" for a virtual machine image or "other" for image types that serve any other specific purpose.
os String No The OS family this image provides. One of "smartos", "windows", and "linux".
acl Array No Access Control List. An array of account UUIDs given access to a private image. The field is only relevant to private images.
requirements Object No A set of named requirements for provisioning a VM with this image. See the requirements docs above for supported fields.
users Array No A list of users for which passwords should be generated for provisioning. This may only make sense for some images. Example: [{"name": "root"}, {"name": "admin"}]
billing_tags Array No A list of tags that can be used by operators for additional billing processing.
traits Object No An object that defines a collection of properties that is used by other APIs to evaluate where should customer VMs be placed.
tags Object No An object of key/value pairs that allows clients to categorize images by any given criteria.
inherited_directories Array No A list of inherited directories (other than the defaults for the brand).
generate_passwords Boolean No A boolean indicating whether to generate passwords for the users in the "users" field.
nic_driver String No NIC driver used by this VM image.
disk_driver String No Disk driver used by this VM image.
cpu_type String No The QEMU CPU model to use for this VM image.
image_size Number No The size (in MiB) of this VM image's disk.


The updated image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/f9bbbc9f-d281-be42-9651-72c6be875874?action=update -X POST
    --data-binary '{
        "description": "updated description"

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm update f9bbbc9f-d281-be42-9651-72c6be875874 -f data.json
$ sdc-imgadm update f9bbbc9f-d281-be42-9651-72c6be875874 description='new description'
$ cat data.json | sdc-imgadm update f9bbbc9f-d281-be42-9651-72c6be875874

ImportFromDatacenter (POST /images?action=import-from-datacenter&datacenter=)

Import an image and all origin images (preserving the image uuid and published_at fields) from the provided datacenter datacenter.

An end user can only import an image for which they are the image owner. Images owned by the admin (operator images) or shared images (where account in on the image ACL) cannot be imported from another datacenter.

All usage of IMGAPI on behalf of end users is required to use account=UUID.

Query String Inputs

Field Type Required? Notes
account UUID Yes The account UUID on behalf of whom this request is being made. If given and if relevant, authorization will be done for this account. It is expected that all calls originating from a user (e.g. from cloudapi) will provide this parameter.
datacenter String Yes The datacenter name that holds the source image.


A Job object. The location of the workflow API where the status of the job can be polled is available in the workflow-api header of the response.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool (against an SDC's IMGAPI). This queues the copying of an existing Image in another datacenter to be copied into this datacenter:

sdc-imgapi '/images/859eb57c-d969-4962-8a87-3e5980e237ee?action=import-from-datacenter&datacenter=us-west-1' \
    -X POST --data-binary '{}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 236
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2018 20:04:01 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: ed5f60d6-a66d-4ff5-9991-935a36636c8b
x-response-time: 236
x-server-name: 616a4e4b-7bdd-4d6b-87cb-7a4458dc08b0
Connection: keep-alive

  "image_uuid": "859eb57c-d969-4962-8a87-3e5980e237ee",
  "job_uuid": "ddc2ec53-2dd8-4b0d-a992-0a7cafda6e8d"

CloneImage (POST /images/:uuid/clone?account=:account)

Clone this image. This endpoint is only available when IMGAPI is in 'dc' mode.

This makes a copy of the given image (including origin images). The provided account param must be on the image ACL in order to clone the image, see AddImageAcl. The newly-cloned image(s) will have a different uuid to the original, the owner field will be set to the account param, and the cloned image will have an empty ACL.


Field Type Required? Default Notes
account (query param) UUID Yes - The owner the cloned image will be assigned to.


The cloned image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf/clone?account=ab0896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1895 -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 356
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 20:21:17 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: f5645880-59d0-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 110
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "uuid": "e70502b0-705e-498e-a810-53a03980eabf",
  "owner": "ab0896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1895",
  "name": "foo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "state": "active",
  "disabled": false,
  "public": false,
  "published_at": "2013-01-08T20:21:17.932Z",
  "type": "zone-dataset",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "cd0e0510c4a0799551687901077d7c4c06a4ebd8",
      "size": 42,
      "compression": "bzip2"
  "acl": []

AdminImportImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=import)

Import an image (preserving its uuid and published_at fields).

This may only be used by operators. This is enforced by requiring that account=UUID is NOT provided. All usage of IMGAPI on behalf of end users is required to use account=UUID; operator usage (e.g. from AdminUI) is not.

This creates an unactivated image. The typical process is to subsequently call AddImageFile and then ActivateImage to finish with an image available for provisioning.

This endpoint is similar in spirit to CreateImage, but called by the operator to preserve uuid et al. Typically it is called by the 'import-remote-image' workflow job initiated by AdminImportRemoteImage.


The request body includes the same fields as for CreateImage, including the SDC6-era backward compat fields, with the following additions and changes:

Field Type Required? Default Notes
account UUID No* - This must NOT be provided. See the discussion above.
uuid UUID Yes - The existing image UUID.
published_at Date No - The published date/time of the image.
... ... ... ... Other fields from CreateImage.

Other inputs:

Field Type Required? Notes
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
action String Yes "import"
skip_owner_check Boolean No Defaults to false. Pass in 'true' to skip the check that the image "owner" UUID exists in the user database (in SDC this database is UFDS). Note: The owner check is only done for mode == "dc" IMGAPI instances.
source URL No URL of the source IMGAPI repository. If the source IMGAPI uses channels, a channel may be given via ...?channel=<channel>. If called with a source then only the uuid input field is relevant.


The (unactivated) image object.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822?action=import \
    -X POST --data-binary @base-14.1.0.imgmanifest

CLI tool. This example uses the '-f FILE' argument, which will handle AddImageFile and ActivateImage calls after the AdminImportImage.

sdc-imgadm import -m manifest -f file.bz2
Imported image 84cb7edc-3f22-11e2-8a2a-3f2a7b148699 (base, 1.8.4, state=unactivated)
100% [=============================]  time 0.6s  eta 0.0s
Added file "file.bz2" to image 84cb7edc-3f22-11e2-8a2a-3f2a7b148699
Activated image 84cb7edc-3f22-11e2-8a2a-3f2a7b148699

AdminImportRemoteImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=import-remote)

Import an image from another IMGAPI repository. This is typically used for importing an image from, but can be used for any other valid Image repository. It is mainly a convenience method to allow IMGAPI to execute the five import steps (get manifest, get file, import manifest, add file, activate image) on the user's behalf.

This may only be used by operators. All usage of IMGAPI on behalf of end users is required to use account=UUID; operator usage (e.g. from AdminUI) is not.

This creates an active image ready for consumption.


Field Type Required? Notes
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant if the local IMGAPI is using channels.) Note: This is the channel for the local IMGAPI. To specify the channel on the remote IMGAPI, see the source param.
action String Yes "import-remote"
source URL No URL of the source IMGAPI repository. If the source IMGAPI uses channels, a channel may be given via ...?channel=<channel>.
skip_owner_check Boolean No Defaults to false. Pass in 'true' to skip the check that the image "owner" UUID exists in the user database (in SDC this database is UFDS). Note: The owner check is only done for mode == "dc" IMGAPI instances.


A job response object with the following fields:

Field Type Notes
image_uuid UUID UUID of the image being imported
job_uuid UUID The job UUID. In SDC use sdc-workflow /jobs/$job_uuid to inspect.


See Errors section above.


Raw API tool:

sdc-imgapi /images/01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822?action=import-remote&source= -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: application/json
content-length: 112
date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 05:23:23 GMT
server: IMGAPI/1.0.3
x-request-id: 4e71ed70-f4ea-11e2-b255-75716000a01d
x-response-time: 8307
x-server-name: ba928081-1e9f-49dc-8900-0239956fda7b

  "image_uuid": "a93fda38-80aa-11e1-b8c1-8b1f33cd9007",
  "job_uuid": "b45be0ae-778a-474e-8e41-9793f09ffde1"

CLI tool:

sdc-imgadm import 84cb7edc-3f22-11e2-8a2a-3f2a7b148699 -S
Imported image 84cb7edc-3f22-11e2-8a2a-3f2a7b148699 (base, 1.8.4, state=active)

AdminImportDockerImage (POST /images?action=import-docker-image)

Import an image from a Docker repository. This endpoint maintains an open connection and streams out progress messages (single-line JSON objects) during the import process. On successful completion, the result is an active image ready for consumption. Typically this is never called by anyone other than sdc-docker, which uses the output stream to update sdc-docker-specific data.

This endpoint is intended to only be called by operators. Typically it is called by the 'pull-image' workflow defined in sdc-docker.


Query params:

Field Type Required? Notes
action String Yes "import-docker-image"
repo String Yes The repository from which to pull, e.g. 'busybox' (implies docker hub), '', ''.
tag String Yes* A Docker tag name, e.g. 'latest', in the given repository. Exactly one of 'tag' or 'digest' is required.
digest String Yes* A Docker digest, e.g. 'sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4', in the given repository. Exactly one of 'tag' or 'digest' is required.
public Boolean No Whether to make the imported image public. Default is true.


Header Required? Notes
x-registry-auth No Optional target registry auth formatted as is the 'x-registry-auth' header from the Docker docker client: a base64 encoded JSON object. See
x-registry-config No Optional target registry config formatted as is the 'x-registry-config' header from the Docker docker client: a base64 encoded JSON object. See


A stream of messages in JSON format. These messages will be a mix of status and action messages, some of which are used by sdc-docker and some of which are sent back to the docker client. The messages will always have a 'type' (string) field, which must be one the following:

Error Event


See Errors section above.


Raw curl:

curl -4 --connect-timeout 10 -sS -i -H accept:application/json -H content-type:application/json --url '' -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 00:52:58 GMT
Server: imgapi/2.1.0
x-request-id: 3aeada30-f841-11e4-b9d9-2338e30ff146
x-response-time: 1483
x-server-name: ec0cd67d-7731-422a-a6c2-f91eb98c6c52
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

{"type":"status","payload":{"status":"latest: Pulling from busybox (req 7734c61d-ad6b-40f5-ac93-ecacd53e4387)"},"id":""}
{"type":"status","payload":{"id":"27144aa8f1b9","progressDetail":{},"status":"Pulling fs layer"},"id":""}
{"type":"progress","payload":{"id":"27144aa8f1b9","status":"Pulling fs layer"},"id":""}
{"type":"progress","payload":{"id":"27144aa8f1b9","status":"Download complete"},"id":""}
{"type":"progress","payload":{"id":"27144aa8f1b9","status":"Activating image"},"id":""}
{"type":"progress","payload":{"id":"27144aa8f1b9","status":"Pull complete"},"id":""}
{"type":"status","payload":{"status":"Digest: sha256:be3c11fdba7cfe299214e46edc642e09514dbb9bbefcd0d3836c05a1e0cd0642"},"id":""}
{"type":"status","payload":{"status":"Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest"},"id":""}

AdminChangeImageStor (POST /images/:uuid?action=change-stor&stor=:newstor)

(Added in IMGAPI v2.2.0.)

Change which storage is used to store an image's file. An IMGAPI server is configured with one or more storage backends (e.g. "local" and "manta"). This endpoint allows operators (servers in modes other than "dc" require auth to use this endpoint), to control where image files are stored. One use case is an operator of a "public" IMGAPI server moving image files from local storage to manta storage for durability.

If the given image is already using the given storage this will be a no-op.


Query params:

Field Type Required? Notes
action String Yes "change-stor"
stor String Yes The new storage type (see "storage.*" fields in the IMGAPI server config).


The updated image manifest object -- as would be returned by GetImage?inclAdminFields=true.


See Errors section above.


With imgapi-cli tools:

updates-imgadm change-stor manta f342dcdc-e179-11e5-98a0-0f71c4796729
Changed image f342dcdc-e179-11e5-98a0-0f71c4796729 (sapi@master-20160303T195116Z-g7fbf8d7) stor to "manta"

Raw curl:

curl -4 --connect-timeout 10 -sS -i -H accept:application/json --url '' -X POST
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 798
Date: Wed, 18 May 2016 21:11:58 GMT
Server: imgapi/2.2.0
x-request-id: 14dedfe0-1d3d-11e6-a572-6f1bdd1ba380
x-response-time: 32356
x-server-name: 3499c16b-c7b9-40f9-98be-b6cb8702c7bb
Connection: keep-alive

  "v": 2,
  "uuid": "fc810fe4-e179-11e5-83e9-038750e25b16",
  "os": "smartos",
  "files": [
      "sha1": "f250fefb0356a4a8f3fdfb0ed318d4c0b9b6f402",
      "size": 28631145,
      "compression": "gzip",
      "stor": "manta"

ListImageJobs (GET /images/:uuid/jobs)

List all jobs created for an image.


Field Type Description
task String List all jobs of the given task. Currently, task can be any of the following values: 'create-from-vm', 'import-remote-image'.
execution String Filter jobs that match the given execution state. It can be any of: 'running', 'succeeded', 'failed', 'canceled' or 'queued'.


An array of image job objects.


See Errors section above.


sdc-imgapi /images/0084dad6-05c1-11e3-9476-8f8320925eea/jobs?execution=succeeded
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 3253
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 23:13:52 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.1.1
x-request-id: d2924780-1b37-11e3-895c-876b1f3f0171
x-response-time: 23
x-server-name: f62ea923-eec8-4c0a-b9e0-fe4feec3bd3e
Connection: keep-alive

    "execution": "succeeded",
    "chain_results": [
        "result": "No origin (skipping origin image import)",
        "error": "",
        "name": "origin_import_image",
        "started_at": "2013-09-11T23:12:36.993Z",
        "finished_at": "2013-09-11T23:12:37.086Z"


An IMGAPI server can use "channels". Each channel is an independent set of images in the same server. The set of channels is a static configured set of channel names, optionally with a default channel. Use ListChannels to see the server's configured channels.

Each relevant IMGAPI endpoint has a ?channel=<channel> query param to work with images in that channel. Without it the server's configured default channel is implied. The IMGAPI client takes a new channel constructor option. Image manifests have a new "channels" field that is an array of the channel names to which the image belongs.

In a server that uses channels, an image can be in one or more channels. An existing image is added to additional channels via ChannelAddImage. An image is removed from a channel via DeleteImage -- the image is not fully deleted from the repository until it is removed from its last channel.

The current canonical example of an IMGAPI server using channels is the SmartDataCenter updates server ( The updates-imgadm CLI takes a -C <channel> option or UPDATES_IMGADM_CHANNEL=<channel> environment variable to specify the channel. Additionally on a SmartDataCenter headnode the updates-imgadm will default to the DC's configured update channel (see the update_channel SDC config var).

A channel object has the following fields:

Field Description
name The channel name. This is the unique id.
default Boolean. Only set for the default channel, if any.
description A short prose description of the channel's purpose.

ListChannels (GET /channels)

List the IMGAPI server's channels.




An array of channel objects (see above).


See Errors section above.


CLI tool:

updates-imgadm channels
dev      true     all development builds
staging  -        builds for testing in staging in prep for production release
release  -        release gold bits

Raw curl (from

curl -kisS
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 280
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:56:17 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.2.0
x-request-id: 2aa89bb0-176b-11e4-b4fe-f1422f0ce754
x-response-time: 1
x-server-name: ...
Connection: keep-alive

    "name": "dev",
    "description": "all development builds",
    "default": true
    "name": "staging",
    "description": "builds for testing in staging in prep for production release"
    "name": "release",
    "description": "release gold bits"

ChannelAddImage (POST /images/:uuid?action=channel-add)

Add an image (on the current channel) to a new channel.


Field Type Required? Notes
uuid (path) UUID Yes The existing image UUID.
action (query param) String Yes "channel-add"
channel (query param) String No The image channel to use. (Only relevant for servers using channels.)
channel (body) String Yes The channel to which to add the image.

Note: Somewhat confusingly, this endpoint uses two independent channel field inputs:

  1. The "channel" query param, used to find the given image (as with most other endpoints), and
  2. the "channel" param in the body, giving the channel to which to add image.


The updated image object. The new channel should now be a member of the image object's channels array.


See Errors section above.


CLI tool:

updates-imgadm channel-add staging 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810
Added image 25ab9ddf-96e8-4157-899d-1dc8be7b9810 to channel "staging"

Miscellaneous API

Ping (GET /ping)

A simple ping to check to health of the IMGAPI server. Here "pid" is the PID of the IMGAPI server process. This is helpful for the test suite.


Field Type Description
error String Optional. An error code name, e.g. "ResourceNotFound" to simulate an error response.
message String Optional. The error message to include in the simulated error response. Defaults to "pong".


When not simulating an error response, a "pong" object is returned:

Field Type Description
ping String "pong"
version String The version of the IMGAPI app.
imgapi Boolean Always set true. This is to distinguish the server from the old Datasets API that IMGAPI replaced.
pid String The PID of IMGAPI server process. Only for "dc" mode IMGAPI configurations, or when providing auth.
user String Set to the authenticated username, if relevant. Note that "dc" mode servers don't use auth.

When simulating an error, the HTTP response code depends on the error type and the response body is an JSON object with:

Field Type Description
code String A restify error code, e.g. "ResourceNotFound", "InternalError".
message String Error message.


sdc-imgapi /ping
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 45
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 19:52:42 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: f6f24850-59cc-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 0
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "ping": "pong",
  "pid": 23097,
  "version": "1.0.0"

Ping can also be used to simulate error responses from the IMGAPI:

sdc-imgapi /ping?error=ValidationFailed
HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 56
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2013 19:53:31 GMT
Server: IMGAPI/1.0.0
x-request-id: 143dfa30-59cd-11e2-b638-4b6ffa4ca56f
x-response-time: 0
x-server-name: 70f0978d-7efa-4c45-8ebf-8cb9e3a887f7
Connection: keep-alive

  "code": "ValidationFailed",
  "message": "boom",
  "errors": []

AdminGetState (GET /state)

Return server internal state. For debugging/dev only.




A JSON representation of some internal state.


sdc-imgapi /state
  "cache": {
  "log": {
    "level": 20

AdminReloadAuthKeys (POST /authkeys/reload)

Tells the IMGAPI server to reload its auth keys, if the server is using HTTP Signature auth (config.authType === "signature"). This is an authenticated endpoint. This allows a server administrator to add keys for users and have the server load those key changes without having to restart.

Note that when this endpoint returns, the reload is not guaranteed to have completed.




An empty object: {}.


updates-imgadm reload-auth-keys


Details on IMGAPI instance configuration was moved to the Operator Guide.